Welcome to P3/P4
Mrs Boggs and Miss Kirk teach the P3 class along with some of the P4s. We have a fun year in store for all our pupils with some fantastic topics to explore, like our current Term 1 theme 'Let's Celebrate.'
P3/ 4 have many opportunities for Talking and Listening activities, including pair/share, role-play and drama, group work activities and presenting. P3/4 follow the Sounds Write programme for reading and spelling. P3/4 enjoy a variety of reading activities, including using active comprehension strategies. We enjoy using the Accelerated Reading online programme as well as Reading Eggs to develop phonics and comprehension skills. We explore a variety of texts including novels. This year, our focus on writing will focus on the genres: Report, Instruction and Recount. A variety of punctuation and grammar is explored throughout the year.
P3/4 Number will focus on numbers to 1000 and beyond, including addition and subtraction. We explore number patterns, including multiplication and division. We look at money and explore fractions. In other Numeracy areas, we explore the areas of Measure (time, length, capacity and weight), Shape and Space and Handling data using lots of practical exploration. Problem solving is explored through a variety of tasks as well as lots of mental maths games which the pupils love!
In ICT, P3/4 explore the '5 Es' with a focus on Coding and Computational Thinking this year. We explore the J2E software including JIT. We also continue to develop our Music and Sound work from last year, explored through the Nerve Centre, Derry. We love to use the iPads and Chromebooks in class as well as other ICT software like the Green Screen for Film and Animation.
For religion, we follow the ‘Grow in Love’ programme. P4 celebrate the sacraments of First Penance and First Eucharist in the second Term. We enjoy our links with the Drumragh Parish and Derry Diocese.
We explore a variety of topics including building self-esteem, exploring our talents, keeping safe and healthy as well as topics to explore mutual understanding amongst themselves, their peers and others in their community and beyond. As part of our 'Let's Celebrate' topic, we explore other cultures and their celebrations including the Diwali festival.
World Around Us:
Our topic for term one is: ‘Let's Celebrate.’ World Around Us is incorporated into our Literacy, Numeracy and ICT as well as our Play and Outdoor Learning.
Physical Education:
PE is on a Tuesday and Friday in P3/4. We enjoy dance with Chris Cross and Gaelic football with Drumragh GFC.
Music will be every Monday with Mrs. Sweeney. Pupils should bring their tin whistles and music folder every Monday.
Play Based Learning
P3 have play activities weekly, which consists of mainly outdoor learning. We explore a variety of fun learning areas, including Construction, Creative Arts, Sand and Water Play, Small World Play, Wheeled vehicles and more.
We enjoy earning our Golden Time each week and earning stars through J2Stars. Pupils will be celebrated for their achievements and a positive sense of wellbeing is promoted with a variety of strategies including displaying work, stickers, prizes, class and individual rewards.
School Events...
Friday, 28th March 2025 |
Violin/Viola with Lauren (Please remember your instruments) |
Wednesday, 2nd April 2025 |
Library Van |
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All Saints' Primary School, 42 Tattysallagh Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. BT78 5BR Telephone: (028) 82243233