P6 and P7
-Being School Council and Eco Council members.
-Taking part in the Irish News Critical Literacy programme.
-Attending blitzes and competitions.
-Taking swimming lessons.
-Participating in coaching sessions.
-Being school prefects.
-Participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
-Some children sit the transfer test.
-Preparing for our next schools.
-Talking and listening activities e.g. pair/share, group work, presentations, discussions and debates.
-Spellings/sounds weekly activities in class and at home and 6 weekly recaps.
-Grammar/punctuation activities throughout the year on a range of areas.
-Reading activities including guided reading, Accelerated Reader, class novels, active comprehension strategies, weekly comprehension activities and reading from a wide range of genres.
-Writing using a variety of writing types, including persuasive, explanation, poetry and narrative writing.
-Mental Maths activities and challenges.
-Number activities are covered regularly.
-Topic Maths includes areas such as Handling Data, Measures and Shape and Space are covered.
-Maths Processes are developed throughout these activities and through problem-solving tasks that the children do.
World Around Us
In World Around Us we study a range of topics, which include elements of Geography, History and Science.
We tie in lots of other subjects to our topic, including ICT, Art, Music, Drama and PDMU as well Numeracy and Literacy. We incorporate ICT into a lot of the curricular areas too.
In RE, we use the “Grow In Love” programme and are working closely with the school chaplin all year round.
Music will be every Monday with Mrs. Sweeney. Pupils should bring their tin whistles and music folder every Monday.
Physical Education
The children have several sessions of PE per week, including some with PE coaches.
If you have any questions, please contact the school or email me at bmcgrath851@c2kni.net and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Please keep checking in throughout the year to see what we are getting up to in P6/7.
Some Photos of What's Going On in P6/7
Latest Class News
All Saints' Primary School, 42 Tattysallagh Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. BT78 5BR Telephone: (028) 82243233