Access Keys:

All Saints’ Primary School, 42 Tattysallagh Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. BT78 5BR

Home School Gallery

25th Mar 2020

Tomas Davey's Handiwork
Tomas Davey's Handiwork
Ordering Potatoes in Mrs Tierney's house
Ordering Potatoes in Mrs Tierney's house
Fraction and shape work with Mrs Tierney
Fraction and shape work with Mrs Tierney
Sounds Write with Mrs Tierney
Sounds Write with Mrs Tierney
Art work with Mrs Boggs and her two 'handsome' pupils
Art work with Mrs Boggs and her two 'handsome' pupils
Art work with Mrs Boggs and her two 'handsome' pupils
Art work with Mrs Boggs and her two 'handsome' pupils
Art work with Mrs Boggs and her two 'handsome' pupils
Art work with Mrs Boggs and her two 'handsome' pupils
Art work with Mrs Boggs and her two 'handsome' pupils
Art work with Mrs Boggs and her two 'handsome' pupils
Alphabet bingo with Mrs Marley
Alphabet bingo with Mrs Marley
A biography bottle of Lewis Hamilton with Mrs Barrett and her co-pilot.
A biography bottle of Lewis Hamilton with Mrs Barrett and her co-pilot.
A biography bottle of Lewis Hamilton with Mrs Barrett and her co-pilot
A biography bottle of Lewis Hamilton with Mrs Barrett and her co-pilot
Designing an MFC jersey in the Marley household
Designing an MFC jersey in the Marley household
Designing an MFC jersey in the Marley household
Designing an MFC jersey in the Marley household
Spellings in Mrs Marley's makeshift classroom
Spellings in Mrs Marley's makeshift classroom
It's like a zoo in the Campbell house!
It's like a zoo in the Campbell house!
It's like a zoo in the Campbell house!
It's like a zoo in the Campbell house!
Painting cups in the McKenna house
Painting cups in the McKenna house
Caoimhe & Brionne's delicious baking
Caoimhe & Brionne's delicious baking
Caoimhe & Brionne's delicious baking
Caoimhe & Brionne's delicious baking
Caoimhe & Brionne's delicious baking
Caoimhe & Brionne's delicious baking
Amazing life sized portraits
Amazing life sized portraits
Seth's art work supporting key workers
Seth's art work supporting key workers
Lorcan's art work supporting key workers
Lorcan's art work supporting key workers
Blathnaid's art work to brighten up people's day
Blathnaid's art work to brighten up people's day
Blathnaid's art work to brighten up people's day
Blathnaid's art work to brighten up people's day
A very impressive sunset painted trinket box.
A very impressive sunset painted trinket box.
Sean Boyle supporting key workers
Sean Boyle supporting key workers
Working out with Joe Wicks
Working out with Joe Wicks
Creative artwork
Creative artwork
Creative artwork
Creative artwork
Creative artwork
Creative artwork
Social distancing activities
Social distancing activities
Working out with Joe Wicks
Working out with Joe Wicks
Orla & Leeann's yummy looking treacle bread
Orla & Leeann's yummy looking treacle bread
Eoin Clarke's amazing artistic thoughts on life at this surreal moment in time.
Eoin Clarke's amazing artistic thoughts on life at this surreal moment in time.
P4's winner of Mathletics for week 6th-12th April 2020
P4's winner of Mathletics for week 6th-12th April 2020
Making a yummy cheesecake
Making a yummy cheesecake
Impressive paper unicorns
Impressive paper unicorns
Caela & Cait's yummy cheesecake
Caela & Cait's yummy cheesecake
P6 Matletics leader 30th March- 3rd April
P6 Matletics leader 30th March- 3rd April
P7 Mathletics leader for 30th March- 3rd April
P7 Mathletics leader for 30th March- 3rd April
A P1 artist and his little apprentice making Wonder Trees
A P1 artist and his little apprentice making Wonder Trees
A very hard working P1 working through his Home Learning pack
A very hard working P1 working through his Home Learning pack
A slithery snake and creepy spider for my rainforest topic work.
A slithery snake and creepy spider for my rainforest topic work.
A young artist having a whale of a time working on his P3 whale project.
A young artist having a whale of a time working on his P3 whale project.
Some scrumptious home baking going on in here
Some scrumptious home baking going on in here
P3's Mathletics winner for week 6th-12th April 2020
P3's Mathletics winner for week 6th-12th April 2020
A happy home schooler
A happy home schooler
Mrs Sweeney would be very pleased to see this.
Mrs Sweeney would be very pleased to see this.
Excellent use of recycled toilet roll holders in the O'Hagan household
Excellent use of recycled toilet roll holders in the O'Hagan household
Some biscuits baked during lockdown that are baked to  purrrfection
Some biscuits baked during lockdown that are baked to purrrfection
Tomas Davey was learning all about the Roman's so decided to build a fantastic Hadrian's Wall from Lego.
Tomas Davey was learning all about the Roman's so decided to build a fantastic Hadrian's Wall from Lego.
A great way to draw a self portrait
A great way to draw a self portrait
An excellent self portrait
An excellent self portrait
An excellent self portrait by Caiden from the P1 class
An excellent self portrait by Caiden from the P1 class