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Term 3 in P2/3

24th May 2019

In Term 3, we have been learning all about 3D shape as part of our Numeracy. We have been sorting 3D shapes and making them using Polydron, Geostruct and Lego.

Our WAU topic has been 'Over the Rainbow'. We read the story, 'The Rainbow Fish' and explored how we can be a good friend. We are earning raffle tickets for being good friends in school. We have been using our small world play and story stones to retell the story of The Rainbow Fish. We will be looking at the story 'Elmer' next.

In play, we have been busy creating a sweet and ice-cream shop for dramatic play. We made lots of sweets out of dough and junk art. We made lots of signs, menus and price tags in our writing area to put in our shop. We priced all our sweets and can use money to pay for them and get change back. We are also working on weighing our sweets using balancing scales. We are comparing how much they weigh with other things, likes weights and cubes/Numicon.

In Art & Design we have been learning all about mixing colours. We explored primary, secondary and tertiary colours and have experimented with mixing them ourselves. We have looked at the work of 'Wassily Kandinsky' and have created our own art inspired by him. We will be looking at the work of 'Piet Mondrian' next and using Moving Image to create an ICT  animation of our artwork.