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Irish Drama Festival
8th Mar 2016

On Tuesday 1st March, P1-P4 pupils performed their version of 'The Gingerbread Man' in the Irish language. This forms part of the work they've been doing over the year with Colette, the Irish tutor, who comes in once a week to teach our Foundation and Key Stage One classes.
The performance was absolutely brilliant and the adjudicator sang their praises when he commented on the performance afterwards. It was so good, they decided to put the school through to the Ulster Final, which is taking place in Armagh on Thursday 10th March.
Comhghairdeas P1-P4 agus adh mór ort!
All Saints' Primary School, 42 Tattysallagh Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. BT78 5BR Telephone: (028) 82243233