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Promoting Health and Wellbeing

All Saints' is committed to encouraging healthy eating and strives to make pupils more aware of the importance of eating healthily.
Pupils can bring a healthy break time snack into school to eat during morning break. As we are a heatlhy eating school, we ask parents to ensure that only healthy snacks are sent for break e.g. fruit, raisins.
Please do not send chocolate, sweets or crisps
Milk can be purchased by those pupils who wish to have it at lunchtime. The payment is due at the beginning of each term
A hot school meal is provided at lunchtime. A menu is given out at the start of the year and the children can pay for school meals on a daily or weekly basis. The cost of dinner is currently £2.50 per day. Those in receipt of free meals are informed by WELB directly. Application for free entitlement are available from WELB on request. Provision is made in the school dining hall for those who wish to eat their own packed lunch at mid-day break.
Packed Lunches
We promote healthy packed lunches. We ask parents to continue to ensure that only healthy foods are sent for your child's packed lunch.
We also promote health and well-being through:
- use of our vast outdoor play area including outdoor gym and adventure trail;
- participation in external sporting events and Sports Day;
- PE programme including external coaching;
- Regular snack and lunch monitoring;
- Information for parents on healthy packed lunches;
- Workshops from Dairy Council Cancer Focus NI;
- Drugs, alcohol and solvents abuse programme;
- RSE Programme.
All Saints' Primary School, 42 Tattysallagh Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. BT78 5BR Telephone: (028) 82243233