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School Hours

The school day begins at 9.15 a.m. A Breakfast Club is available from 8.15am, for pupils who wish to avail of this. Breakfast Club costs just 50p per day, or £2 per week. Pupils arriving at school before 9am should go to the school assembly hall. All pupils should be in their classrooms by 9.00am.
Break-time is from 10.45am to 11.00am. On wet/icy days pupils remain in their classroom, supervised by a member of staff. During this time, pupils are able to play a variety of games, iPads and may have access to the indoor play equipment in the assembly hall.
Lunch-time begins at 12.10pm and ends at 1.00pm. Pupils are supervised in the dinner hall and outside by various staff.
The school day ends at 1.00pm for pupils in Reception class. During the month of September, pupils in Year One also go home at 1.00pm. Pupils in Years One (from October on) and Two go home at 2.00pm. Pupils in Years Three – Seven go home at 3.00pm.
At home time, Foundation and Key Stage 1 pupils are picked up at the Junior Door, whilst Key Stage 2 pupils are picked up at the main front door. Foundation and Key Stage 1 pupils will a brother or sister in Key Stage 2 can be picked up with their older siblings at the main door.
Pupils will not be allowed to leave the premises early during the school day without a written note from their parent/guardian or without first receiving permission from the Principal. In the interests of safety, if a pupil is required to leave the school early, they must be collected by their parent/guardian from the classroom and will not be permitted to leave the school grounds unaccompanied or wait outside the gate.
All Saints' Primary School, 42 Tattysallagh Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. BT78 5BR Telephone: (028) 82243233